Mustadafin  Foundation has been actively involved in working across the Western Cape and Eastern Cape to enhance and develop destitute communities, with the objective to make people self-sufficient, self-relient and independent through education since 1986.

Last year’s Ramadan saw to 5000 people who broke their fast at our various centres and were issued with suhur/breakfast packs after the Taraweegh Salaah held at our Jamat Ghanas. This is additional to the 15 000 people we feed daily.

Our program caters to communities such as Parkwood, Delft, Khayelitsha, Valhalla Park,Bonteheuwel, Netreg, Goodwood,Tafelsig, Montrose Park, Philipi, Manenberg, Malmesbury, Kensington, Beaufort West Mosque and Montegue.

Help us maintain the services we provide to those who are less fortunate by sponsoring/supporting with the following:

Food Parcel: R300               

Eid Outfit: R600                   

Feed a belly for the day: R25

Winter Pack: 150                 

Pot of Food: R2800              

Breakfast/Suhur pack: R 20

Blanket: R150                      

Pot of Soup: R1700

“Verily Allah does not look to your faces and wealth but He looks to your heart and deeds.”