’I believe I can make a difference, therefore I have a responsibility to do so’ is the motto of Mustadafin Foundation’s Youth and Mental Health Development Programme. Gangsterism, dropping out of school, substance abuse and teenage pregnancy are some of the many social issues our young people need to contend with on a daily basis. To change this cycle, Mustadafin Foundation will host various Youth Day community outreach programmes in and around the Cape Flats on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 to help young people to understand and deal with these issues.
Over 400 youngsters between the ages of ten and 25 will be rolling out social upliftment programmes in six areas in the Western Cape this Youth Day. These areas include Athlone, Delft, Hanover Park, Nyanga andKhayelitsha (S and V section). This year’s theme of Mustadafin Foundation’s Youth Day activities is ‘Raising Social Conscience: Inspiring Positive Social Change’.Activities on the day will run from 09:00 to 13:00 with the assistance of elders and volunteers and include school and community clean-up projects, drama and drumming performances as well as entertaining and assisting the elderly, orphanages and frail care centres in the identified areas. Fidaah Edries,Mustadafin Foundation’s Youth Development Coordinator, says, “Our youth is faced with so many challenges that negatively affect their future. A high HIV infection rate and an increase in youth headed households also contribute to these challenges that affect both the community and their homes.
“The activities that we are planning form part of our youth mentorship programmes that run throughout the year. The sustainable youth programmes on Youth Day are initiated and driven by the youth themselves, with guidance from their elders to ultimately develop their social responsibility skills,” explains Edries.
“We want the youth to have a real chance at life through these programmes. Our aim is to teach them what it means to be responsible leaders and agents of social change in society,” adds Edries.
MustadafinFoundation’s Youth Development has also seen considerable progress with itsself-sufficient youth group ‘IkamValekasi’ (meaning ‘future of the location’ in Xhosa).“This group has made strides in Khayelitsha through the training and support of Mustadafin Foundation’s Youth Development. They will also be facilitating activities on Youth Day and hopefully ignite a continuous routine of ‘giving a helping’ hand; not only on Youth Day, but throughout the year,”highlights Edries.
“When young people claim their right to various developments then they become forceful agents towards progressive social change. When they overcome prejudice and anything that divides them, then they have the awesome potential to prove in unity and togetherness that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts,” concludes Edries.
Youth Day is not the only day Mustadafin Foundation is active with youth social upliftment initiatives. The non-profit organisation trains youth in Delft, Hanover Park and Khayelitsha to recognize the importance of taking responsibility and making a difference in their communities. These youth run Mustadafin Foundation’s youth interventions in their respective areas.
If you would like to volunteer or donate to Mustadafin Foundation’s Youth Development Programmes, please contact Fidaah at Mustadafin on 021-633 0010 or email yhd@mustadafin.org.za.
For more information contact Mustadafin on 021-633-0010 or visitwww.mustadafin.org.za. Join their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MustadafinFoundation