Friday, 25 November the marks start of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women And Chidren. Mustadfin Foundation, a Western Cape non-profit organization, is once again in the forefront in porverty-stricken communities in the Cape Town to educate and raise awareness on gender-based violence.
Mustadafin Foundation to raise awreness on genderd- based violence
Initiaed in 1991 and coodinated by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership, the campaign celebrates it’s 25th anniversary this year and takes place internationally from Friday, 25th November until Saturday, 10 December.
Director of the Mustadafin Foundation, Ghairunisa Johnstone-Cassiem, says, “This year, our focus is not only on vioilence against women and children – we are focusing on men as well. We often overlook that everyone is susceptible to violence, regardless of their gender or age. We deal with numerous violent cases throughout the year, be it women, men or children.
Education is a key focus for the Founadation and the 16-day period they will create awareness on domestic violence as well as social, health and safety issues. World Aids Day is taking place on Thursday, 1 December and the foundation will have an awareness programme where youth, aged between14 and 18 years living in Tafelsig and Delft, will be educated on HIV and AIDS.
“we are calling on all residents to advocate peace in the home not only for 16 days but for 365 days. without education, support and commitment, gender-based violence will not stop.
we call on everyone to please report suspicious and violent crimes to the SAPS,” adds Johnstone-Cassiem.
16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children Mustadafin Foundation